man(1) Manual page archive

     PS(1)                        (PDP11)                        PS(1)

          ps - process status

          ps [ aklx ] [ namelist ]

          Ps prints certain indicia about active processes.  The a
          option asks for information about all processes with termi-
          nals (ordinarily only one's own processes are displayed); x
          asks even about processes with no terminal; l asks for a
          long listing.  The short listing contains the process ID,
          tty letter, the cumulative execution time of the process and
          an approximation to the command line.

          The long listing is columnar and contains

          F    Flags associated with the process.  01: in core; 02:
               system process; 04: locked in core (e.g. for physical
               I/O); 10: being swapped; 20: being traced by another

          S    The state of the process.  0: nonexistent; S: sleeping;
               W: waiting; R: running; I: intermediate; Z: terminated;
               T: stopped.

          UID  The user ID of the process owner.

          PID  The process ID of the process; as in certain cults it
               is possible to kill a process if you know its true

          PPID The process ID of the parent process.

          CPU  Processor utilization for scheduling.

          PRI  The priority of the process; high numbers mean low pri-

          NICE Used in priority computation.

          ADDR The core address of the process if resident, otherwise
               the disk address.

          SZ   The size in blocks of the core image of the process.

               The event for which the process is waiting or sleeping;
               if blank, the process is running.

     PS(1)                        (PDP11)                        PS(1)

          TTY  The controlling tty for the process.

          TIME The cumulative execution time for the process.

          The command and its arguments.

          A process that has exited and has a parent, but has not yet
          been waited for by the parent is marked <defunct>.  Ps makes
          an educated guess as to the file name and arguments given
          when the process was created by examining core memory or the
          swap area.  The method is inherently somewhat unreliable and
          in any event a process is entitled to destroy this informa-
          tion, so the names cannot be counted on too much.

          If the k option is specified, the file /usr/sys/core is used
          in place of /dev/mem. This is used for postmortem system
          debugging.  If a second argument is given, it is taken to be
          the file containing the system's namelist.

          /unix         system namelist
          /dev/mem      core memory
          /usr/sys/core alternate core file
          /dev          searched to find swap device and tty names


          Things can change while ps is running; the picture it gives
          is only a close approximation to reality.
          Some data printed for defunct processes is irrelevant