man(1) Manual page archive

     TERMCAP(3X)                                           TERMCAP(3X)

          tgetent, tgetnum, tgetflag, tgetstr, tgoto, tputs - device-
          independent terminal screen control

          char PC;                        char *id;
          char *BC;
          char *UP;                       char *
          short ospeed;                   tgetstr(id, area)
                                          char *id, **area;
          tgetent(bp, name)
          char bp[1024], *name;           char *
                                          tgoto(cm, destcol, destline)
          tgetnum(id)                     char *cm;
          char *id;
                                          tputs(cp, affcnt, outc)
          tgetflag(id)                    char *cp;
                                          int (*outc)();

         These functions are loaded by option -ltermcap of ld(1).
         They extract and use capabilities from the terminal capabil-
         ity data base termcap(5). These are low level routines; see
         curses(3) for a higher level package.

         Tgetent extracts the entry for terminal name into the buffer
         at bp. Bp should be a character buffer of size 1024 and must
         be retained through all subsequent calls to tgetnum,
         tgetflag, and tgetstr. Tgetent returns -1 if it cannot open
         the termcap file, 0 if the terminal name given does not have
         an entry, and 1 if all goes well.  It will look in the envi-
         ronment for a `TERMCAP' variable.  If found, and the value
         does not begin with a slash, and the terminal type name is
         the same as the value of the environment variable `TERM',
         the `TERMCAP' string is used instead of reading the termcap
         file.  If it does begin with a slash, the string is used as
         a path name rather than

         Tgetnum gets the numeric value of capability id, returning
         -1 if is not given for the terminal.  Tgetflag returns 1 if
         the specified capability is present in the terminal's entry,
         0 if it is not.  Tgetstr gets the string value of capability
         id, placing it in the buffer at *area, advancing the area
         pointer.  It decodes the abbreviations for this field
         described in termcap(5), except for cursor addressing and
         padding information.

         Tgoto returns a cursor addressing string decoded from cm to
         go to column destcol in line destline. It uses the external
         variables UP (from the `up' capability) and BC (if `bc' is

    TERMCAP(3X)                                           TERMCAP(3X)

         given rather than `bs') if necessary to avoid placing `en',
         `^D', or `^@' in the returned string.  (Programs which call
         tgoto should be sure to turn off the XTABS bit(s), since
         tgoto may now output a tab.  Note that programs using term-
         cap should in general turn off XTABS anyway since some ter-
         minals use ^I for other functions, such as nondestructive
         space.)  If a % sequence is given which is not understood,
         then tgoto returns ``OOPS''.

         Tputs decodes the leading padding information of the string
         cp; affcnt gives the number of lines affected by the opera-
         tion, or 1 if this is not applicable; outc is a routine
         which is called with each character in turn.  The external
         variable ospeed should contain the output speed of the ter-
         minal as in tty(4). The external variable PC should contain
         a pad character to be used (from the `pc' capability) if a
         null (^@) is inappropriate.

         vi(1), curses(3), termcap(5)