man(1) Manual page archive

     CTYPE(3)                                                 CTYPE(3)

          isalpha, isupper, islower, isdigit, isxdigit, isalnum,
          isspace, ispunct, isprint, isgraph, iscntrl, isascii -
          character classification

          #include <ctype.h>        isalnum(c)

          isalpha(c)                      isspace(c)

          isupper(c)                      ispunct(c)

          islower(c)                      isprint(c)

          isdigit(c)                      isgraph(c)

          isxdigit(c)                     iscntrl(c)


         These macros classify ASCII-coded integer values by table
         lookup.  Each is a predicate returning nonzero for true,
         zero for false.  Isascii is defined on all integer values;
         the rest are defined only where isascii is true and on the
         single non-ASCII value EOF; stdio(3).

         isalpha  c is a letter, a-z or A-Z

         isupper  c is an upper case letter, A-Z

         islower  c is a lower case letter, a-z

         isdigit  c is a digit, 0-9

         isxdigit c is a hexadecimal digit, 0-9 or a-f or A-F

         isalnum  c is an alphanumeric character, a-z or A-Z or 0-9

         isspace  c is a space, horizontal tab, vertical tab, car-
                  riage return, newline, or formfeed (040, 011, 012,
                  013, 014, 015)

         ispunct  c is a punctuation character (one of !"#$%&'()*+,-

         isprint  c is a printing character, 040 (space) through 0176

         isgraph  c is a visible printing character, 041

    CTYPE(3)                                                 CTYPE(3)

                  (exclamation) through 0176 (tilde)

         iscntrl  c is a delete character, 0177, or ordinary control
                  character, 000 through 037

         isascii  c is an ASCII character, 000 through 0177

         tolower(3), ascii(6)