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     TEX(1)                                                     TEX(1)

          tex, dvips, dvit, dvicat - text formatting and typesetting

          tex [ first-line ]

          dvips [ option ... ] dvifile

          dvit [ option ... ] dvifile

          dvicat dvifile ...

          Tex formats interspersed text and commands and outputs a
          `.dvi' (`device independent') file.

          An argument given on the command line behaves as the first
          input line.  That line should begin with a (possibly trun-
          cated) file name or a `\controlsequence'.  Thus `tex paper'
          processes the file `paper.tex'.  The basename of `paper'
          becomes the jobname, and is used in forming output file
          names.  If no file is named, the jobname is `texput'.  The
          default `.tex' extension can be overridden by specifying an
          extension explicitly.

          The output is written on jobname.dvi, which can be printed
          using lp(1). A log of error messages goes into jobname.log.

          As well as the standard TeX fonts, many Postscript fonts can
          be used (see the contents of The file (in the standard macro
          directory) will print a table of any font.

          These environment variables adjust the behavior of tex:

          TEXINPUTS  Search path for `\input' and `\openin' files.  It
                     should be colon-separated, and start with dot.
                     Default: `.:/usr/lib/tex/macros'
          TEXFONTS   Search path for font metric files.  Default:
          TEXFORMATS Search path for format files.  Default:
          TEXPOOL    Search path for strings.  Default: /usr/lib/tex
          Template for the switch-to-editor-on-error option,
                     with `%s' for the filename and `%d' for the line
                     number.  Default: `/bin/ed %s'

          Dvips and dvit convert `.dvi' files to Postscript and troff
          output format, respectively, writing the result on standard
          output.  They are invoked by lp(1) and accept a subset of lp
          options that make sense for `.dvi' files.  In the -opagelist
          option for only printing selected pages, the numbers refer
          to TeX page numbers.  In addition, there is a -Tdev option,

     TEX(1)                                                     TEX(1)

          where dev is one of `laserwriter' (default for dvips),
          `jerq' (default for dvit), `gnot', `fax', or `lino' (the
          computer center's high resolution Postscript service).  The
          `-Tjerq' or `-Tgnot' options should be used for preparing
          output for proof(9.1) or psi(9.1).

          When converting a number of short `.dvi' files to Postscript
          or using lp to print them, it is much more efficient first
          to combine them via dvicat. Simply concatinating `.dvi'
          files would not work, but dvicat achieves this effect and
          sends the result to standard output.  Since the output is in
          binary, it must be directed to a file or piped into lp.

          The following environment variables affect dvips:

          Search path for font bitmaps (PK files).
          Search path for `virtual font' descriptions.

          Dvips and dvit understand some extended graphics commands
          that can be output using tpic specials in the TeX source.
          Many of them work by building up a path of x,y pairs, and
          then doing something with the path.  The tpic coordinate
          system has its origin at the current dvi position when a
          drawing special is emitted; all length arguments are in
          units of milli-inches, and the y-axis goes positive down-

          \special{pa x y}
               Add x,y to the current path.

               Flush the current path: draw it as a polygonal line and
               reset the path to be empty.

          \special{da dlen}
               Like fp but draw dashed line, with dashes dlen milli-
               inches long.

          \special{dt slen}
               Like fp but draw a dotted line, with dots slen apart.

               Like fp but draw a quadratic spline.  The spline goes
               through the midpoints of the segments of the path, and
               straight pieces extend it to the endpoints.

          \special{ar x y xr yr s e}
               Draw a circular or elliptical arc with center at x,y
               and radii xr and yr.  The arc goes clockwise from angle
               s to angle e (angles measured clockwise from the posi-
               tive x-axis).

     TEX(1)                                                     TEX(1)

          \special{pn n}
               Set line width (pen diameter) to nmilli-inches.

               Set shading to black (will fill the next object drawn
               with black).

               Set shading to grey.

               Set shading to white.

          \special{psfile=file options}
               (Only dvips). Include file, which should be a
               Postscript illustration, making its origin be the cur-
               rent dvi position.  The default Postscript transforma-
               tion matrix will be in effect, but it can be modified
               by the options, a list of key=value assignments.
               Allowed keys are: hoffset, voffset, hscale, vscale, and
               rotate.  If supplied, these values are supplied to
               Postscript translate,scale, and rotate commands, in
               that order.  Also, keys hsize and vsize may be sup-
               plied, to cause clipping to those sizes.

          \special{include horg yorg file}
               (Only dvit). Include the troff(1) output file at the
               current place on TeX's page.  The included file should
               have only one page.  The horg and yorg distances give
               the origin of the included file; that point will be
               superimposed on the current position.

          All of the specials leave TeX at the same position on the
          page that it started in.

          macros and preloaded format files
          more TeX-related documentation
          font metrics
          PostScript virtual font metrics
          bitmaps for canon engines (300 dpi)
          bitmaps for Linotron (1270 dpi)
          miscellaneous configuration files and Postscript headers

          latex(6), pic(1), lp(1), proof(9.1), psi(9.1), troff(1),
          Donald E. Knuth, The TEXbook, Addison Wesley, 1986

          It should be possible to make TeX output go on standard out-

     TEX(1)                                                     TEX(1)