man(1) Manual page archive

     2500(1)                                                   2500(1)

          2500 - BVH2500 videotape recorder

          2500 [ -lq ]

          2500 is an interpreter of commands to control a SONY BVH2500
          1-inch video recorder, whose inputs and outputs have already
          been set up.  The options are

          -l   Create a log file; useful in pursuit of bugs.

          -q   Suppress the initial status report.

          Most of the commands require an intimate knowledge of the
          equipment.  The simpler commands are described below; see
          the help command for a complete list.  Times are given as
          [[hrs.]min.] where there are 30 frames per second.
          The commands are

          cue t     Move the tape to time t.
          help      Produce a list of all commands.
          loop t0 t1 fps
                    Play from t0 through t1 and back again at fps
                    frames per second.
          play      Start playing the tape from the current frame.
          snap n    When in still record mode, record the current
                    input onto the next n frames.  A missing n is
                    taken to be 1.
          status    Print some status information.  The command status
                    status prints all available status information.
          still t   Go into still record mode and cue to time t. The
                    command returns before the tape transport is done;
                    usually it must be followed by `wait'.
          still mode on|off
                    Turn still mode on or off.
          stop      Stop the tape transport.
          view t0 t1
                    Play from t0 through t1. wait Wait for the previ-
                    ous tape transport command to finish.
          !         Interpret the rest of the line as a sh(1) command.
          #         Comment.  Ignore the rest of the line.

          Assuming you have already set up the video switch to feed
          the BVH2500, the following script will record (or rerecord)
          a movie starting at 2 minutes.
          still 2.0.0

     2500(1)                                                   2500(1)

          !generate an image
          snap 1
          # repeat the last two lines as necessary
          still mode off

          The BVH2500 will misbehave if the pause between snaps (in
          still record mode) is too long, or if you record for many
          hours on end.  The latter problem can be avoided by using
          scripts that run for 2 or 3 hours and sleeping for 10 min-
          utes between scripts with the tape transport off.
          Commands in the help list are (incorrectly) capitalized.