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     PROC(4)                                                   PROC(4)

          /proc - process file system

          #include <sys/proc.h>
          #include <sys/pioctl.h>

          Proc is a file-system mount point that provides access to
          the image of each running process in the system.  The name
          of each entry in the /proc directory is a five-digit decimal
          number corresponding to the process id.  The owner of each
          `file' is determined by the process's user-id; only the
          owner is granted access permissions (and only if the pro-
          cess' text file is readable).  The size of a file is the
          total virtual memory size of the process.

          The standard system-call interface is used to access proc.
          Open(2) and close(2) behave as usual.  The object process is
          unaffected, except that setuid bits will be ignored if an
          opened process exec's. (Setuid bits are also ignored if the
          exec'ing process has traced signals, or stops on exec; see
          the description of PIOCSMASK and PIOCSEXEC below.)  Data may
          be transferred from or to any locations in the object's
          address space through lseek(2), read(2), and write(2). The
          text segment begins at virtual address 0; the data segment
          starts above the text.  The user area extends downward below
          virtual address 0x80000000, and is UPAGES*NBPG bytes long;
          the stack segment grows downward below the user area.
          Between the end of the data and the beginning of the stack
          lies no-man's land.  The text, data, and stack sizes may be
          determined from the process' proc structure (see below).
          There are two differences from reading and writing ordinary
          files: (1) no i/o transfer may span a segment boundary; (2)
          the user area is writable only in the locations of saved
          user registers.

          Several process control actions are available through an
          ioctl(2) of the form

                     union { struct proc p; long i; } buffer;
                     retval = ioctl(fildes, code, &buffer);

          The possible codes are as follows:

          PIOCGETPR  copies the object's proc structure from the ker-
                     nel process table into buffer.p. Since this
                     information resides in system space, it is not
                     accessible via a normal read.

     PROC(4)                                                   PROC(4)

          PIOCSTOP   sends the signal SIGSTOP to the object, and waits
                     for it to enter the stopped state.

          PIOCWSTOP  simply waits for the object to stop.

          PIOCRUN    makes the object runnable again after a stop.

          PIOCSMASK  defines (via the bit mask buffer.i) a set of sig-
                     nals to be traced; i.e., the arrival of such a
                     signal will cause the object to stop.  (The sig-
                     nal numbered n is specified by the bit 1<<(n-1).)
                     A mask of zeroes turns off the trace.  The traced
                     state and mask bits are inherited by the child of
                     a fork(2). When the object is closed, the mask
                     bits are lost, but the traced state is retained
                     for side effects.

          PIOCSEXEC  causes the object to stop after exec'ing. This
                     condition is inherited by children and is
                     retained when the object is closed.

          PIOCREXEC  reverses the effect of PIOCSEXEC.

          PIOCCSIG   clears the object's currently pending signal (if

          PIOCKILL   sends a signal to the process.

          PIOCOPENT  provides, in retval, a read-only file descriptor
                     for the object process' text file.  This allows a
                     debugger to find the symbol table without having
                     to know any path names.

          PIOCNICE   increments the object's nice(2) priority by the
                     amount buffer.i. Only the super user may better a
                     process' priority in this way, but any user may
                     make the priority worse.

          All system calls are interruptible by signals, so that, for
          example, an alarm(2) may be set to avoid waiting forever for
          a process that may never stop.  Any system call is guaran-
          teed to be atomic with respect to the object, but, as with
          ordinary files, there is nothing to prevent more than one
          process from trying to control the same object.

          The following header files are useful in analyzing proc

          <signal.h>       list of signal numbers
          <sys/param.h>    size parameters (e.g., UPAGES, NBPG)
          <sys/types.h>    special system types
          <sys/user.h>     user structure

     PROC(4)                                                   PROC(4)

          <sys/proc.h>     proc structure
          <sys/reg.h>      locations of saved user registers
          <sys/pioctl.h>   ioctl codes

          As with any file system, /proc must be mounted in order to
          be used.  The mount point should be an empty directory cre-
          ated with mode 0555; /etc/procmount should then be run at
          boot time.  (The file system can be unmounted by
          `/etc/procmount -u'.)

          /proc       directory (list of active processes)
          /proc/nnnnn process image

          ps(1), hang(1), signal(2), pi(9.1)

          This is a list of errors which can occur in addition to the
          errors normally associated with the file system; see

          ENOENT  is returned if the object process has exited after
                  being opened.

          EIO     is returned if I/O is attempted at an illegal
                  address in the object.

          EBUSY   is returned if the object is in the midst of chang-
                  ing virtual memory attributes, or has pages locked
                  for physical I/O.

          ENOSPC  is returned if a write is attempted on a shared text
                  segment, but there is no room on the swap space to
                  make a copy.

          EPERM   is returned if someone other than the super user
                  attempts to better a process' priority by issuing a

          A process must be swapped in for reading and writing (but
          not ioctl); this consumes minimal system resources, but may
          involve a noticeable delay.

          The spectrum of states which result in the EBUSY error is
          too conservative.

          A process loaded from a text file with magic number 0407
          does not have a read-only text segment; in this (presumably
          rare) case PIOCOPENT does not work, and the process is
          accessible even if the text file is read-only.