man(1) Manual page archive

     UNITS(7)                                                 UNITS(7)

          units - conversion program


          Units converts quantities expressed in various standard
          scales to their equivalents in other scales.  It works
          interactively in this fashion:

          You have: inch
          You want: cm
          * 2.54
          / 0.393701

          Quantities are specified using the following grammar:

               Empty | Unit Term | Unit / Term

               Number | Name | ( Unit ) |
               square Term | sq Term | cube Term | cu Term |
               Term ^ Number

          Numbers are specified in the form expected by atof(3). Names
          are maximal strings of non-numeric, non-punctuation charac-
          ters.  Powers are indicated by the `^' operator or by the
          words `square' (`sq') and `cube' (`cu').  Parentheses alter
          grouping.  The empty unit has value 1.  Terms are multiplied
          together unless connected by `/' for inversion, e.g.  `15
          pounds force/sq in'.

          Most familiar units, abbreviations, and metric prefixes are
          recognized, together with a generous leavening of exotica
          and a few constants of nature including:

               pi   ratio of circumference to diameter
               c    speed of light
               e    charge on an electron
               g    acceleration of gravity
               force     same as g
               mole Avogadro's number
               water     pressure head per unit height of water
               au   astronomical unit

          The `pound' is a unit of mass.  Compound names are run
          together, e.g.  `lightyear'.  British units that differ from
          their US counterparts are prefixed thus: `brgallon'.

     UNITS(7)                                                 UNITS(7)

          Currency is denoted `belgiumfranc', `britainpound', etc.

          A response of `?'  to `You want:' displays all known units
          conformable with the `You have:' quantity.

          The complete list of units can be found in and

          Since units does only multiplicative scale changes, it can
          convert Kelvin to Rankine, but not Centigrade to Fahrenheit.
          Currency conversions are only as accurate as the most recent
          report of foreign exchange prices from the AP wire.