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     TERMCAP(5)                                             TERMCAP(5)

          termcap - terminal capability file

          Termcap describes terminals as used, for example, by vi(1)
          and curses(3) or in the TERMCAP environment variable.  A
          termcap entry is a line containing fields separated by `:'.
          Lines may be broken; `\' at the end of a line signifies con-
          tinuation.  Empty fields are ignored.

          The first field for each entry gives names for a terminal
          separated by `|'.  The first name is conventionally two
          characters long for the benefit of older systems; the second
          name is the customary abbreviation; and the last name fully
          identifies the terminal.

          There are three types of capability: Boolean for the pres-
          ence of a feature, numeric for sizes and time delays, and
          strings for performing operations.  Some string fields may
          be preceded by a number, which specifies padding, a time
          delay required with the operation.  These capabilities are
          marked `P' or `P*' below.  Padding is measured in millisec-
          onds; P* signifies that the padding is proportional to the
          number of lines (or characters) affected, for example,
          `3.5*' specifies 3.5 milliseconds per unit.

          Name Type Pad Description
          ae   str  P   End alternate character set
          al   str  P*  Add new blank line
          am   bool     Automatic margin
          as   str  P   Start alternate character set
          bc   str      Backspace char if not ^H
          bs   bool     Terminal can backspace
          bt   str  P   Back tab
          bw   bool     Backspace wraps from column 0 to last column
          CC   str      Command character in prototype if terminal settable
          cd   str  P*  Clear to end of display
          ce   str  P   Clear to end of line
          ch   str  P   Like cm but horizontal motion only
          cl   str  P*  Clear screen
          cm   str  P   Cursor motion
          co   num      Number of columns
          cr   str  P*  Carriage return, default ^M
          cs   str  P   Change scrolling region (vt100), like cm
          cv   str  P   Like ch, but vertical only
          da   bool     Display may be retained above
          dB   num      Backspace delay
          db   bool     Display may be retained below
          dC   num      Carriage return delay
          dc   str  P*  Delete character

     TERMCAP(5)                                             TERMCAP(5)

          dF   num      Form feed delay
          dl   str  P*  Delete line
          dm   str      Enter delete mode
          dN   num      Newline delay
          do   str      Down one line
          dT   num      tab delay
          ed   str      End delete mode
          ei   str      End insert mode; give :ei=: if ic
          eo   str      Can erase overstrikes with blank
          ff   str  P*  Hard copy page eject, default ^L
          hc   bool     Hardcopy terminal
          hd   str      Half line down
          ho   str      Home cursor if no cm
          hu   str      Half line up
          hz   str      Hazeltine, can't print ~
          ic   str  P   Insert character
          if   str      Name of file containing initializationis
          im   bool     Enter insert mode; give :im=: if ic
          in   bool     Insert mode distinguishes nulls on display
          ip   str  P*  Insert pad after character insert
          is   str      Terminal initialization string
          k0-k9     str Other function key codes
          kb   str      Backspace key code
          kd   str      Down arrow key code
          ke   str      Leave keypad transmit mode
          kh   str      Home key code
          kl   str      Left arrow key code
          kn   num      Number of function keys
          ko   str      Termcap entries for other non-function keys
          kr   str      Right arrow key code
          ks   str      Enter keypad transmit mode
          ku   str      Up arrow key code
          l0-9 str      Labels on other function keys
          li   num      Number of lines on screen or page
          ll   str      Last line, first column, if no cm
          ma   str      Arrow key map
          mi   bool     Safe to move in insert mode
          ml   str      Memory lock above cursor
          ms   bool     Safe to move in standout or underline mode
          mu   str      Turn off memory lock
          nc   bool     No correctly working CR (DM2500, H2000)
          nd   str      Nondestructive space (cursor right)
          nl   str  P*  Newline character, default \n
          ns   bool     Nonscrolling CRT
          os   bool     Terminal overstrikes
          pc   str      Pad character, default NUL
          pt   bool     Has hardware tabs (possibly set by is)
          se   str      Leave standout mode
          sf   str  P   Scroll forward
          sg   num      Number of blanks left by so, se
          so   str      Enter standout mode
          sr   str  P   Scroll reverse (backward)

     TERMCAP(5)                                             TERMCAP(5)

          ta   str  P   Tab, if not ^I or if padded
          tc   str      Entry of similar terminal, must be last
          te   str      String to end programs that use cm
          ti   str      String to begin programs that use cm
          uc   str      Underscore one char and move past it
          ue   str      Leave underscore mode
          ug   num      Number of blanks left by us, ue
          ul   bool     Terminal underlines but doesn't overstrike
          up   str      Cursor up one line
          us   str      Enter underscore mode
          vb   str      Visible bell, (may not move cursor)
          ve   str      Leave open/visual mode
          vs   str      Enter open/visual mode
          xb   bool     Beehive (f1=escape, f2=^C)
          xn   bool     Newline ignored after wrap (Concept)
          xr   bool     Return acts like ce \r \n (Delta Data)
          xs   bool     Standout not erased by writing over (HP264?)
          xt   bool     Tabs are destructive, magic so (Teleray 1061)

          The following example is one of the more elaborate termcap
          entries.  (Do not believe it; see the file for current

          co|c100|concept 100:is=\EU\Ef\E7\E5\E8\El\ENH\EK\E\200\Eo&\200\Eo\47\E:\
               :al=3*\E^R:am:bs:cd=16*\E^C:ce=16\E^S:cl=2*^L:cm=\Ea%+ %+ :co#80:\

          Among the Boolean capabilities shown for the Concept are
          automatic margins `am': automatic return and linefeed at the
          end of a line.  Numeric capabilities are indicated by `#';
          `co#80' means the Concept has 80 columns.  String capabili-
          ties are indicated by `='; to clear to end of line (`ce') on
          the Concept, issue <escape> <control-C> and pad with 16 mil-
          liseconds delay.

          In strings the ASCII ESC character is represented by `\E'
          and control characters are represented by ^c, where charac-
          ter c has ASCII code 0100 greater than the desired control
          character.  Newline, return, tab, backspace, form feed, \
          and ^ are represented by \n \r \t \b \f \\ \^.  Backslash
          `\' followed by 3 digits specifies a byte in octal.  A null
          character is encoded `\200': the routines that use termcap
          information mask out the high bit of all bytes.

          Local cursor motions are undefined if they run off the left
          or top of the screen; the curses routines refrain from issu-
          ing such motions.  It is assumed that the screen will scroll
          up upon running off the bottom; this assumption is negated
          by `ns'.  Capability `am' (automatic margin) describes the
          handling of the right margin.

     TERMCAP(5)                                             TERMCAP(5)

          Cursor addressing is described by capability `cm', which
          contains printf(3)-like format codes for line and column
          positions.  The leftmost column is column 0.

               %d   as in printf
               %2   like %2d
               %3   like %3d
               %.   like %c
               %+x  adds x before converting
               %>xy if value exceeds x, add y, no output
               %r   reverse order of line and column, no output
               %i   increment line/column (1-origin)
               %%   single %
               %n   exclusive or row and column with 0140 (DM2500)
               %B   BCD: 16*(x/10) + (x%10), no output
               %D   Reverse coding: x-2*(x%16), no output

          For example, to go to line 3 column 12, a HP2645 terminal
          must get \E&a12c03Y padded for 6 milliseconds:
          `:cm=6\E&%r%2c%2Y: .'

          Capability `al' adds an empty line before the line where the
          cursor is and leaves the cursor on the new line.  This will
          always be done with the cursor at column 0.  Capability `dl'
          deletes the line where the cursor is and is also done with
          the cursor at column 0.  Capabilities `da' and `db' warn
          that off-screen lines may appear at the top or bottom of the
          screen upon scrolling or deleting lines.  The curses rou-
          tines do not use this feature, but do guard against its

          Insert-character operations usually affect only the current
          line and shift characters off the end of the line rigidly.
          Some terminals, such as the Concept 100, distinguish typed
          from untyped blanks on the screen, shifting upon insertion
          only up to an untyped blank, i.e. a space caused by cursor
          motion; these terminals have capability `in' (insert null).

          Some terminals have an insertion mode; others require a spe-
          cial sequence to open up a blank position on the current
          line.  Insertion mode is entered and left by `im' and `ie',
          which should be null strings if there is no insertion mode.
          String `ic' is sent just before each character to be
          inserted, and padding `ip' is sent after.  Capability `mi'
          says it is possible to move around without leaving insertion
          mode.  Delete mode works similarly: enter with `dm', leave
          with `de', and issue `dc' before each character.

          Highlighting, or `standout' mode is entered by `so' and left
          by `se'.  Underline mode is entered by `us' and left by
          `ue'.  Terminals that underline characters individually have
          capability `uc'.  The visual bell capability `vb' flashes

     TERMCAP(5)                                             TERMCAP(5)

          the screen without moving the cursor.

          A terminal with a keypad that transmits cursor motions may
          be described by capabilities kl kr ku kd kh that give the
          codes for left, right, up, down, and home.  Up to ten func-
          tion keys may be described by `k0' through `k9'.  Special
          labels for the function keys may be given as `l0' through

          The initialization string `is' is expected to set tabs if
          that is necessary.  That string may come from a file (`if');
          if both are present `is' is done first.

          The entry for a terminal may be continued by jumping to
          another entry given by `tc'.  Duplicate capabilities are
          resolved in favor of the first.

          curses(3), termcap(3), vi(1), ul(1)

          Termcap entries, including `tc' continuations, are limited
          to 1024 characters.