man(1) Manual page archive

     TTYNAME(3)                                             TTYNAME(3)

          ttyname, isatty, nametty - find or set name of a terminal

          char *ttyname(fildes)


          nametty(fildes, file)
          char *file;

          Ttyname returns a pointer to the null-terminated path name
          of the terminal device associated with file descriptor

          Isatty returns 1 if fildes is associated with a terminal
          device, 0 otherwise.

          Nametty arranges that future opens of file will refer to the
          stream opened on fildes. File must exist before nametty is
          called.  The arrangement is terminated when the other end of
          the stream is closed or hung up.

               list of tty directories for ttyname

          fmount(2), ioctl(2)

          Ttyname returns `NULL' if fildes does not describe an entry
          in any of the directories listed in

          Nametty returns 1 for success, 0 for failure (file does not
          exist, fildes is not a stream).

          The return value of ttyname points to static data whose con-
          tent is overwritten by each call.
          If fildes is a network connection, isatty may produce
          answers having more to do with the network than to the file
          to which network data is copied.  In particular, it always
          returns no for connections set up by rx, and always returns
          yes for connections arranged by dcon; see con(1).