man(1) Manual page archive

     PACK(1)                                                   PACK(1)

          pack, unpack, pcat, compress, uncompress, zcat - compress
          and expand files

          pack [ - ] file ...

          unpack file ...

          pcat [ file ... ]

          compress [ option ... ] [ file ... ]

          uncompress [ option ... ] [ file ... ]

          zcat [ -V ] [ file ... ]

          Pack attempts to compress the files and places the results
          in corresponding files named file.z with the same access
          modes, dates, and owner as the originals.  Successfully
          packed files are removed.

          Unpack reverses the process.

          Pcat unpacks files to the standard output.

          The .z suffix may be omitted from the name of the input file
          for unpack or pcat.

          Pack encodes individual characters in a Huffman code.
          Option - causes statistics of the encoding to be printed.
          The option toggles on and off at each appearance among the
          list of files.

          Compress, uncompress, and zcat work like pack, unpack, and
          pcat, putting each compressed file into file.Z.  The options

          -f   (force) Compress even when it doesn't save space.

          -c   Write to the standard output; change no files.  Zcat is
               identical to uncompress -c.

               Compress uses a modified Lempel-Ziv encoding.  Common
               substrings in the file are replaced by variable-length
               codes up to size bits (default 16).  Smaller limits
               devour less address space.

     PACK(1)                                                   PACK(1)

          -v   Print percent reduction for each file.

          -V   Print program version number.

          Compress-uncompress pack better and are faster overall;
          pack-unpack work on smaller machines and are much more
          widely available.

          T. A. Welch, `A Technique for High Performance Data Compres-
          sion,' IEEE Computer, 17 (1984) 8-19.

          The exit code of pack, unpack, or pcat is the number of
          files it failed to process.

          The exit code of compress, uncompress, or zcat is 0 nor-
          mally, 1 for error, 2 for ineffective compression (i.e.