man(1) Manual page archive

     DU(1)                                                       DU(1)

          du, df - disk usage

          du [ -s ] [ -a ] [ file ... ]

          df [ -i ] [ special ... ] [ file ... ]

          Du gives the number of Kbytes allocated to data blocks of
          named files and, recursively, of files in named directories.
          If name is missing, `.'  is used.  The count for a directory
          includes the counts of the contained files and directories.
          The options are

          -s   Print only the grand total.

          -a   Print a count for every file in a directory.  Normally
               counts are printed only for contained directories.

          A file which has two (hard) links to it is counted only
          once.  Symbolic links are neither counted nor followed.

          Df printsthe amount of free space on the file system con-
          tained in special, or on the file system in which the speci-
          fied file is contained.  If no file system is specified, the
          free space on all of the currently mounted file systems is

          The reported numbers are in Kbytes, independently of the
          blocksize actually used on the file system.  The option is

          -i   Report also on free and used inodes.

          df .
               How much space is there where I'm working?

          only for the root device
          list of currently mounted file systems

          quot(8), fstab(5), icheck(8)

          In the absence of option -a non-directories given as argu-
          ments to du are not listed.
          If there are too many distinct linked files, du counts the
          excess files multiply.

     DU(1)                                                       DU(1)

          Unwritten holes in files count as if real data were present,
          and indirect blocks are not counted.