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     PED(9.1)                                                 PED(9.1)

          ped, tped - picture editor

          ped [ -f ] [ file ] ...

          tped [ option ] ...  [ file ] ...

          Ped is an interactive drawing program for jerq terminals.  A
          file argument is equivalent to an `e' command as described
          below.  Most features of ped are menu-controlled and self-
          explanatory; further details are in the reference.

          Button 1 is used to select actions from a permanent menu and
          to draw or pick up an object.  Button 3 is used to terminate
          drawing actions and to change the permanent menu.  Button 2
          causes the permanent menu to revert to `basic'.

          The operation of ped is split between host and terminal.
          When a file is first read, it is kept on the host; `bring
          in' gets it to the 5620.

          Option -f causes ped to display all text in one size to save
          time and space.

          Permanent menus selected by button 3 follow.  Actions marked
          `(t)' in the menu toggle on and off. The last action is usu-
          ally remembered and may be executed repeatedly until another
          is selected.  Thus, for example, one can fill many polygons
          with one button click per polygon.

               is the initial menu.  `blitblt', like blitblt(9.1),
               copies part of the screen to file `BLITBLT', for dis-
               play on a laser printer by bcan; see can(9.1). `Exit'
               requires a confirming push of button 3.  `Markers'
               makes visible the defining points of objects; in cir-
               cles and text, these are the only points sensitive to
               selection by button 1.

               `Type comm' deactivates the mouse and takes input from
               the keyboard.  The keyboard commands follow.  The first
               four behave like similarly named commands in ed(1),
               using a remembered name when none is given.

               e f  edit a new picture from file f; remember its name.
               f f  Change the remembered name to f and report the new
                    remembered name.
               r f  Read file f into ped.

     PED(9.1)                                                 PED(9.1)

               w f  Write the current picture onto file f.
               u string
                    Use string as a shell command to be applied when
                    the menu selection user oper is made later.  The
                    string is remembered.
               cd d Change working directory to d; like cd in sh(1).
               pwd  Print working directory; like pwd(1).
               m    Reactivate mouse.
               qq   Quit; same as `exit' in basic menu.

               If `e' or `qq' happens when the picture has been
               changed since the last `w', the picture is saved in
               file `'.

          Ch size
               includes changes in object size, rotations, etc.
               `Rotate' displays a vector from a center of an object
               to the designated point.  Then the object is rotated
               and scaled to bring that point to a second designated
               position.  `H-elong' and `V-elong' change aspect
               ratios; they are inverses.

          Move includes `move', and `copy' commands for objects.  But-
               ton 3 cancels a move or copy.  To help untangle over-
               lapping objects, the cancellation of a move does not
               take place until returning to the basic menu.  `Attach'
               moves an open polygon (a broken line) and hooks it to
               the end of another.  `Join' connects the ends of two
               polygons.  `Link' causes multiple polygons to move as
               one and to be filled as one (useful for making holes).
               Mutually linked polygons must all be open or all be
               closed.  `Match' moves objects to bring designated
               points together; `center' brings the centers of their
               bounding boxes together.

          Draw creates objects.  Button 1 fixes a point; button 3 ter-
               minates an object.  `Text' objects may occupy several
               lines; an empty line terminates text.  `Grid' causes
               points to snap to locations on a grid, which indexes
               through settings FMC (fine, medium, coarse).  `Fix sz'
               sets option -f.  `Family' designates objects to be
               moved or deleted together.  A family is defined by
               drawing a box around it in the draw menu or by pointing
               to its members in the move menu.

               for editing objects.  `Formal' adjusts nearly vertical
               or horizontal lines in an object to be truly vertical
               or horizontal.  `Spline' produces a curve guided by a
               polygon.  `Corner' toggles a point of a spline to be
               multiple - a corner in an otherwise smooth curve.

     PED(9.1)                                                 PED(9.1)

               has additional editing commands.  `Adj t', with set-
               tings LRC, causes text items to be left-justified, cen-
               tered, or right-justified on a point.  `Edit text' dis-
               plays text at the top, where button 1 selects a charac-
               ter position for inserting by typing or deleting by
               backspacing.  Button 3 concludes the editing.  `User
               oper' applies a user-specified command to the selected

               provides textures for filling polygons, circles, or
               spline-bounded regions.  Curves are filled schemati-
               cally on the 5620, but accurately on the host.

               has no effect on the jerq, but is carried through for
               display on other devices.

               performs all editing on the host using the jerq as a
               display device only.

          Tped is a filter to convert files of graphic information
          produced by ped into typesetting requests for troff(1). The
          options are:

               Prepare output for particular devices known to troff:
               -Taps or -T202.
          -b   Place a box around each picture.

          The input may be straight ped output or may be arbitrary
          text files with ped output embedded between pairs of delim-
          iting lines:

               .GS [ size ]
               ped file

          The optional size specification gives width or height in the
          form w=inches or h=inches.  The ped text may be in another

               .GS [ size ] pedfilename

          T. Pavlidis, PED Users Manual, AT&T Bell Laboratories Com-
          puting Science Technical Report No. 110, March 1984
          blitblt(9.1), can(1), pic(1), ideal(1), troff(1), doctype(1)


     PED(9.1)                                                 PED(9.1)

          Ped error messages from the host are placed in file `.ped-
          err'.  Error messages from the terminal appear on the

          Pictures may spill into the menu or message areas.
          Some experimentation with tped printout parameters is needed
          to obtain satisfactory results.