man(1) Manual page archive

     VIEW2D(3X)                                             VIEW2D(3X)

          view2d, moviefil - movie of a function f(x, y, t)

          view2d(fd, nx, ny, time, u, v, fixuv, pmin, pmax, p)
          short p[];
          double time;

          moviefil(fd, nx, ny, time, outside, f)
          float time, outside, f[];

          View2d writes a frame in the format view2d(5) onto the file
          specified by fd, a file descriptor for an open file.  Use
          ld(1) option -lview2d.  Nx, ny give the grid size.  Time is
          a (nondecreasing) frame index, typically set to simulation
          time or iteration count.  U and v describe the relation
          between pixel values and user function values:

               p = u + f/2**v.

          U and v may vary from one frame to the next.  When the glo-
          bal scaling is known beforehand, put fixuv = 1 and set pmin
          and pmax to the limits of the data.  (Otherwise put fixuv=0;
          pmin and pmax will be ignored.)

          P is the nx by ny array of pixel values, with the x index
          running fastest.  There is a threshold for describing non-
          rectangular regions: any pixel value less than or equal to
          -32766 is treated as an out of bounds marker and will appear
          as black.  Other pixel values should lie in the range

          Moviefil is an alternate version that is somewhat less flex-
          ible but easier to use.  It takes floats and scales automat-
          ically to shorts.  Any array element f[i][j] less than
          outside is treated as undefined and will appear as black.

          view2d(1), view2d(5)