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     UUX(1C)                                                   UUX(1C)

          uux - unix to unix command execution

          uux [ - ] command-string

          Uux will gather 0 or more files from various systems, exe-
          cute a command on a specified system and send standard out-
          put to a file on a specified system.

          The command-string is made up of one or more arguments that
          look like a shell command line, except that the command and
          file names may be prefixed by system-name!.  A null system-
          name is interpreted as the local system.

          File names may be one of

               (1) a full pathname;

               (2) a pathname preceded by ~xxx; where xxx is a userid
               on the specified system and is replaced by that user's
               login directory;

               (3) anything else is prefixed by the current directory.

          The `-' option will cause the standard input to the uux com-
          mand to be the standard input to the command-string.

          For example, the command

               uux "!diff usg!/usr/dan/f1 pwba!/a4/dan/f1 > !fi.diff"

          will get the f1 files from the usg and pwba machines, exe-
          cute a diff command and put the results in f1.diff in the
          local directory.

          Any special shell characters such as <>;| should be quoted
          either by quoting the entire command-string, or quoting the
          special characters as individual arguments.

          /usr/uucp/spool - spool directory
          /usr/uucp/* - other data and programs

          D. A. Nowitz, Uucp implementation description


     UUX(1C)                                                   UUX(1C)

          An installation may, and for security reasons generally
          will, limit the list of commands executable on behalf of an
          incoming request from uux. Typically, a restricted site will
          permit little other than the receipt of mail via uux.

          Only the first command of a shell pipeline may have a
          system-name!.  All other commands are executed on the system
          of the first command.
          The use of the shell metacharacter * will probably not do
          what you want it to do.
          The shell tokens << and >> are not implemented.
          There is no notification of denial of execution on the
          remote machine.