man(1) Manual page archive

     REBECCA(9.1)                                         REBECCA(9.1)

          rebecca - graphics touch-up editor

          rebecca file

          Rebecca is an interactive retouching tool for digitized
          grey-scale images.  The file must be a headerless 512×512
          black-and-white digitized image.  Example (read only) files
          are in directory

          `Floating instruments' for editing can be dragged with but-
          ton 2 to different locations.

          Resolution. The tick mark on the long bar can be moved up or
          down with button 1.  Printed to the right of the bar is the
          current resolution- a power of 2 representing the number of
          file pixels across the screen image.

          Grid. Click button 1 at the circular button to toggle the
          grid.  Turning on the grid is useful sometimes to see how
          fast a screen update is proceeding: it eats away the grid.

          Write. Write the file on the host by clicking button 1 at
          the box labeled `write'.  The write box has a `*' if a
          change was made to the file since it was last written.

          Runlength encoding. Clicking button 1 at this box toggles
          the mode of data transmission between host and terminal.

          Reopen. This instrument cancels any changes made to the file
          since the last time it was written.

          Move/Pan. Click button 1 at one of the 5 areas of the dia-
          mond.  The middle resets the display to a full size picture.
          Left, right, up, or down will move (pan) 1/4 screen in the
          corresponding direction (useful only on zoomed pictures).

          Zoom/Unzoom. Click button 1 at `Z' (zoom) or `U' (unzoom).
          `Z' prompts with a square box to be positioned on the area
          of the picture to be inspected at full resolution.  If you
          click button 1 before you confirm, the sides of the box are
          halved.  Clicking button 2 doubles them.  Any combination of
          two buttons cancels the zoom; button 3 confirms it.

          Paint. Click button 1 at the box labeled `+ = -'.  Painting
          with `+' adds grey values to pixels; `=' assigns values; `-'
          subtracts values.  Click button 1 at a pixel location to
          apply the paint.  Click button 3 to sweep a rectangle to

     REBECCA(9.1)                                         REBECCA(9.1)

          paint all pixels within it.  Pick a paint value (default is
          white) by clicking button 2 at the grey scale at the bottom
          or at any pixel in the image.  Click button 2 at the paint
          box to cancel the paint mode.

          Smear. Pointing at a pixel with both buttons 1 and 2 down
          averages it with its 8 neighbors (most useful when zoomed in
          to pixel level).  Typical usage: apply some white or black
          paint with the paint box, then smear it.

          Probe. Click button 1 at the probe box `P:'.  Point at a
          pixel in the image.  The x-y coordinates and the greyscale
          value of the pixel will be printed.

          Contrast. Move the ends of the line under the grey scale bar
          to expand or compress the grey scale.

          Rubber Sheet. The box named `sheet' prompts for a rectangle.
          Sweep out the rectangle over an area you want to manipulate,
          then reposition the corners by dragging them to new loca-
          tions with button 1.  Confirm the selection with button 3.
          Other instruments are usable while the update proceeds.

          pico(1), flicks(9.1), picfile(5), flickfile(9.5)