man(1) Manual page archive

     ADD(9.3)                                                 ADD(9.3)

          add, sub, mul, div, eqpt, eqrect, inset, muldiv, ptinrect,
          raddp, rsubp, rectXrect, rectclip - arithmetic on points and

          #include <jerq.h>

          Point add(p, q) Point p, q;

          Point sub(p, q) Point p, q;

          Point mul(p, a) Point p; int a;

          Point div(p, a) Point p; int a;

          int eqpt(p, q) Point p, q;

          int eqrect(r, s) Rectangle r, s;

          Rectangle inset(r, n) Rectangle r; int n;

          int muldiv(a, b, c) int a, b, c;

          int ptinrect(p, r) Point p; Rectangle r;

          Rectangle raddp(r, p) Rectangle r; Point p;

          Rectangle rsubp(r, p) Rectangle r; Point p;

          int rectXrect(r, s) Rectangle r, s;

          int rectclip(rp, s) Rectangle *rp, s;

          Add returns the Point sum of its arguments: Pt(p.x+q.x,
          p.y+q.y).  Sub returns the Point difference of its argu-
          ments: Pt(p.x-q.x, p.y-q.y).  Mul returns the Point
          Pt(p.x*a, p.y*a).  Div returns the Point Pt(p.x/a, p.y/a).

          Eqpt and eqrect compare their arguments and return 0 if
          unequal, 1 if equal.

          Inset returns the Rectangle Rect(r.origin.x+n, r.origin.y+n,
          r.corner.x-n, r.corner.y-n).  The following code creates a
          clear rectangle r with a 2-pixel wide border inside r:

               rectf(&display, r, F_OR);
               rectf(&display, inset(r, 2), F_CLR);

     ADD(9.3)                                                 ADD(9.3)

          Muldiv is a macro that returns the 16-bit result (a*b)/c,
          with (a*b) calculated to 32 bits, so no precision is lost.

          Ptinrect returns 1 if p is a point within r, and 0 other-

          Raddp returns the Rectangle Rect(add(r.origin, p),
          add(r.corner, p)); rsubp returns the Rectangle
          Rect(sub(r.origin, p), sub(r.corner, p)).

          RectXrect returns 1 if r and s share any point; 0 otherwise.

          Rectclip clips in place the Rectangle pointed to by rp so
          that it is completely contained within s. The return value
          is 1 if any part of *rp is within s. Otherwise, the return
          value is 0 and *rp is unchanged.
