man(1) Manual page archive

     SHIP(8)                                                   SHIP(8)

          ship, shipstat - automatic software distribution

          ship [ option ... ] [ file ... ]


          Ship distributes the named files to other computers, where
          the files are installed under the same names.  Shipping
          privileges are determined by the network manager on the
          receiving machine; see svcmgr(8).

          Destinations are taken from environment variable dest, or
          from if dest is empty.  If a destination is the name of a
          file in it is replaced by the contents of that file, each
          word of which is then examined in the same way.  Otherwise
          the destination is a network address.  The sending machine
          is omitted unless explicitly named in the environment vari-
          able, or unless option -f is present or environment variable
          force has a non-empty value.

          Ship uses inspkg and mkpkg(8) to do its work.  Links among
          the named files are imitated on the receiving computer, and
          named files that do not exist on the sending computer are
          deleted on the receiving computer.  Other options are the
          same as those of mkpkg:

          24072.if 336.sp40u
          -v   Emit running commentary on the standard error file.

               Pretend that any file name that begins with path1
               really begins with path2. Relative pathnames are
               extended to full pathnames before comparison.

               Include in the package instructions to execute the
               shell command or run the shell script file after all
               files have been installed.  Only one of these options
               may occur.  The file name in -X is affected by -D.

          Shipments are generally acknowledged by mail after each des-
          tination has been tried at least once; see asd(8) for

          Shipstat reports the status of all its caller's incomplete
          shipments, with the most recent first.

     SHIP(8)                                                   SHIP(8)

          distribution lists
          /usr/lib/asd/dest/default  default distribution list
          /usr/spool/asd/logname     outgoing spool directories

          mkpkg(8), asd(8), svcmgr(8)

          The -f option, if given, must be the first option and must
          not be combined with any other.