man(1) Manual page archive

     KMC(8)                                                     KMC(8)

          kmc, kdiload, kmcdump - control KMC11 input/output

          /etc/kdiload [ dev [ file ] ]

          /etc/kmcdump [ dev ]

          These commands control the KMC11-B microprocessors used for
          Datakit protocol processing.

          Kdiload resets KMC device dev, copies the microcode in file
          into the KMC's memory, and starts the KMC.  Dev may be a
          pathname or a single character key identifying the KMC; the
          default is `2'.  File defaults to that specified in if a
          single character key is used, otherwise.

          Kmcdump stops the KMC and copies its state into files in the
          working directory.  Dev may be a single character key or a
          pathname; the default is `2'.  The KMC's memory is copied to
          the file core.k.nnn, where k is the keyletter and nnn is
          some number; the state of the KMC's registers and some trace
          information from Unix is written to regs.k.nnn.

          These commands search the file for KMC devices and microcode
          files.  The file contains lines of three blank-separated

               single character identifying this KMC
               full pathname of the KMC device file
               full pathname of the microcode to be used in this KMC

          The KMC with key K uses Datakit special files with names
          like /dev/dk/dkK03.  If there is only one KMC for Datakit,
          its key is `2'.  If the only KMC is the only Datakit inter-
          face in a machine, its key is `2', and its special files
          look like /dev/dk/dk03.


          For the moment, the only permissible keys are `0' and `2'.
          The KMC and Datakit filename conventions are arcane, and
          based on obsolete notions; they should be replaced.