man(1) Manual page archive

     DKMGR(8)                                                 DKMGR(8)

          dkhup, dkmgr, dkzap - manage Datakit interface

          /usr/ipc/mgrs/dkhup [ -N prefix ]
          /usr/ipc/mgrs/dkmgr [ -N prefix ] [ -m outname ] [ -n
          service ]
          /usr/ipc/mgrs/dkzap [ -N prefix ]

          Dkhup starts the common signaling channel protocol for a
          Datakit interface.  Initially it sends several reset mes-
          sages, and tells the controller to hang up all outstanding
          calls; thereafter it simply keeps the signaling protocol

          Dkmgr receives and places Datakit calls.  Outbound calls may
          be placed by calling ipcopen (ipc(3)) with the outname spec-
          ified by option -m; the default is dk.  Dkmgr announces
          itself to the Datakit network with the service name speci-
          fied by option -n; the default is taken from Inbound calls
          to service are connected to the local `login' service;
          inbound calls to Datakit address service.serv are handed to
          local service serv.

          Dkhup and dkmgr are normally run once from rc(8). Both pro-
          grams must be running to make the network available.

          Dkzap arranges for a KMC11-assisted Datakit interface to be
          reset, reloaded, and restarted.  This should be done only if
          things are badly broken, as it hangs up all existing calls
          through that interface.

          Datakit devices are expected to have names of the form
          /dev/dk/dknn with nn a two-digit channel number.  If there
          are more than 100 channels, the first digit overflows to
          lower-case letters: channel 100 is `a0'.  The common signal-
          ing control channel is named /dev/dk/dkctl.  All three pro-
          grams accept an option -N prefix to change the naming con-
          vention; for example, -N /dev/kb/kb means that the files
          have names like /dev/kb/kb32 and /dev/kb/kbctl.

          Support also exists for a less general naming convention:
          there may be two sets of files, named /dev/dk/dk0nn and
          /dev/dk/dk2nn, with control channels /dev/dk/dkctl0 and
          /dev/dk/dkctl2.  Dkhup and dkzap take the extra argument 0
          or 2 to point at one or the other of the control names.  A
          separate copy of dkhup is needed for each name.  Dkmgr takes
          an option -u c, where c is 0 or 2 to use one set of files,
          or b to use both simultaneously; in the latter case, service

     DKMGR(8)                                                 DKMGR(8)

          is announced to both networks.  This scheme is obsolete and
          overdue for replacement; the missing piece is something to
          pick an interface for outcalls.

          Dkmgr records its activity in file service in directory
          /usr/ipc/log, default /usr/ipc/log/dk.

          con(1), kmc(8), svcmgr(8), ipc(3)

          Dkhup should be folded into dkmgr; it is separate for his-
          toric reasons.