man(1) Manual page archive

     BACKUP(8)                                               BACKUP(8)

          backup - backup client administration


          /usr/lib/backup/fcheck maxsize maxdays files ...

          /usr/lib/backup/act [ stat ]

          These programs select and back up files to the incremental
          file backup system, backup(1).

          Sel prints on the standard output a list of filenames that
          might need to be backed up.  The initial version picks out
          files that have been changed in the past few days, skipping
          huge files and eliding boring names like core.  Sel is a
          shell script; the local administrator is expected to cus-
          tomize it.

          Fcheck is a fast, specialized file scanning program, used by
          sel. It examines each of the files, descending into directo-
          ries, and prints the name of each file that has been changed
          in the last maxdays days and is smaller than maxsize kilo-
          bytes.  Symbolic links are followed when presented as argu-
          ments, examined but not followed otherwise.

          Act reads a list of filenames from the standard input.  It
          searches the backup database backup(5) for the current ver-
          sion of each file, and backs up files that aren't regis-

          By default, act sends errors by mail(1) to user backup.  If
          the stat argument is non-empty, errors and additional com-
          forting chatter are printed on the standard output instead.

          One way to request automatic backups is to run

               /usr/lib/backup/sel | /usr/lib/backup/act

          regularly from cron(8). Particular files may be backed up by
          hand at any time by running act with a list of filenames.
          There are no special permissions involved; any user may run

          backup(1), backup(5)
          A. Hume, `The File Motel: An Owner's Manual', this manual,
          Volume 2