man(1) Manual page archive

     MONITOR(3)                                             MONITOR(3)

          monitor - prepare execution profile

          monitor(lowpc, highpc, buffer, bufsize, nfunc)
          int (*lowpc)(), (*highpc)();
          short buffer[];

          An executable program created by cc -p automatically
          includes calls for monitor with default parameters; monitor
          needn't be called explicitly except to gain fine control
          over profiling.

          Monitor is an interface to profil(2). Lowpc and highpc are
          the addresses of two functions; buffer is the address of a
          (user supplied) array of bufsize bytes.  Monitor arranges to
          record a histogram of periodically sampled values of the
          program counter, and of counts of calls of certain func-
          tions, in the buffer.  The lowest address sampled is that of
          lowpc and the highest is just below highpc. At most nfunc
          call counts can be kept; only calls of functions compiled
          with the profiling option -p of cc(1) are recorded.  For the
          results to be significant, especially where there are small,
          heavily used routines, it is suggested that the buffer be no
          more than a few times smaller than the range of locations
          sampled.  The default values for bufsize and nfunc are
          (highpc-lowpc)/8 and 300 respectively.

          To profile the entire program, use

               extern etext();
               . . .
               monitor((int (*)())2, etext, buf, bufsize, nfunc);

          Etext lies just above all the program text, see end(3). For
          the highest resolution profiling on the VAX, use bufsize =

          To stop execution monitoring and write the results on the
          file mon.out, use

               monitor((int (*)())0);

          then prof(1) can be used to examine the results.

          prof(1), profil(2), cc(1)