man(1) Manual page archive

     FTW(3)                                                     FTW(3)

          ftw - file tree walk

          #include <ftw.h>

          int ftw(path, fn, depth)
          char *path;
          int (*fn)();
          int depth;

          #include <sys/types.h>
          #include <sys/stat.h>

          fn(name, statb, code, S)
          char *name;
          struct stat *statb;
          struct FTW *S;

          Ftw recursively descends the directory hierarchy rooted in
          path. For each entry in the hierarchy, ftw calls fn, passing
          it information about the entry: a pointer to a null-
          terminated pathname string, a pointer to a stat structure
          (see stat(2)), and a pointer to the following structure.

          struct FTW {
                 int quit;  see below
                 int base;  &name[base] points to basename
                 int level; recursion level (initially 0)

          Possible values of code, defined in are

          FTW_D    Entry is a directory (before visiting descendants).
          FTW_DP   Entry is a directory (after visiting descendants).
          FTW_SL   Entry is a symbolic link.
          FTW_F    Entry is some other kind of file.
          FTW_DNR  Entry is a directory that cannot be read; no
                   descendants will be visited.
          FTW_NS   Lstat (see stat(2)) failed on name; contents of
                   statb are undefined
          FTW_NSL  Lstat succeeded, but stat failed; contents of statb
                   are undefined.

          The tree traversal continues until the tree is exhausted or
          fn returns a nonzero value.  When the tree is exhausted, ftw
          returns zero.  When fn returns a nonzero value, ftw stops
          and returns that value.

     FTW(3)                                                     FTW(3)

          Normally symbolic links are not followed.  But if on a sym-
          bolic link (FTW_SL) fn sets S->quit to FTW_FOLLOW, ftw will
          next attempt to follow the link.

          Ftw normally visits a readable directory twice, before and
          after visiting its descendants.  But if on a previsit
          (FTW_D) fn sets S->quit to FTW_SKD, ftw will skip the
          descendants and the postvisit (FTW_DP).

          Ftw uses one file descriptor for each level in the tree up
          to a maximum of depth (or 1, if depth<1) descriptors.  Depth
          must not exceed the number of available file descriptors;
          small values of depth may cause ftw to run slowly, but will
          not change its effect.

          stat(2), directory(3)

          Ftw returns -1 with errno set to ENOMEM when malloc(3)

          Errno is set appropriately when ftw calls fn with code
          FTW_DNR, FTW_NS, or FTW_NSL.