man(1) Manual page archive

     FIO(3)                                                     FIO(3)

          Finit, Frdline, Fgetc, Fread, Fseek, Fundo, Fputc, Fprint,
          Fwrite, Fflush, Ftie, Fclose, Fexit - fast buffered

          #include <fio.h>          void Fundo(fd)

          void Finit(fd, buf)             long Fseek(fd, offset, ptr)
          char *buf;                      long offset;

          int Fclose(fd);                 int Fputc(fd, c)

          int Fprint(fildes, format [, argl.o.n.g])Fread(fd, addr, nbytes)
          int fildes;                     char *addr;
          char *format;                   long nbytes;

          char *Frdline(fd)               long Fwrite(fd, addr, nbytes)
                                          char *addr;
          int FIOLINELEN(fd)              long nbytes;

          long FIOSEEK(fd)                int Fflush(fd)

          int Fgetc(fd)                   void Ftie(ifd, ofd)


         These routines provide buffered I/O, faster than, and incom-
         patible with stdio(3). The routines can be called in any
         order.  I/O on different file descriptors is independent.

         Finit initializes a buffer (whose type is Fbuffer) associ-
         ated with the file descriptor fd. Any buffered input associ-
         ated with fd will be lost.  The buffer can be supplied by
         the user (it should be at least sizeof(Fbuffer) bytes) or if
         buf is (char *)0, Finit will use malloc(3). Finit must be
         called after a stretch of non-fio activity, such as close or
         lseek(2), between fio calls on the same file descriptor num-
         ber; it is unnecessary, but harmless, before the first fio
         activity on a given file descriptor number.

         Fclose flushes the buffer for fd, frees the buffer if it was
         allocated by Finit, and then closes fd.

         Frdline reads a line from the file associated with the file
         descriptor fd. The newline at the end of the line is
         replaced by a 0 byte.  Frdline returns a pointer to the
         start of the line or `(char *)0' on end of file or read
         error.  The macro FIOLINELEN returns the length (not

    FIO(3)                                                     FIO(3)

         including the 0 byte) of the most recent line returned by
         Frdline. The value is undefined after a call to any other
         fio routine.

         Fgetc returns the next character from the file descriptor
         fd, or a negative value at end of file.

         Fread reads nbytes of data from the file descriptor fd into
         memory starting at addr. The number of bytes read is
         returned on success and a negative value is returned if a
         read error occurred.

         Fseek applies lseek(2) to fd taking buffering into account.
         It returns the new file offset.  The macro FIOSEEK returns
         the file offset of the next character to be processed.

         Fundo makes the characters returned by the last call to
         Frdline or Fgetc available for reading again.  There is only
         one level of undo.

         Fputc outputs the low order 8 bits of c on the file associ-
         ated with file descriptor fd. If this causes a write (see
         read(2)) to occur and there is an error, a negative value is
         returned.  Otherwise, zero is returned.

         Fprint is a buffered interface to print(3). If this causes a
         write to occur and there is an error, a negative value is
         returned.  Otherwise, the number of chars output is

         Fwrite outputs nbytes bytes of data starting at addr to the
         file associated with file descriptor fd. If this causes a
         write to occur and there is an error, a negative value is
         returned.  Otherwise, the number of bytes written is

         Fflush causes any buffered output associated with fd to be
         written; it must precede a call of close on fd. The return
         is as for Fputc.

         Ftie links together two file descriptors such that any fio-
         initiated read(2) on ifd causes a Fflush of ofd (if it has
         been initialized).  It is appropriate for most programs used
         as filters to do Ftie(0,1).  The tie may be broken by
         Ftie(ifd, -1).

         Fexit is used to clean up all fio buffers.  If type is zero,
         the buffers are Fflushed, otherwise they are Fclosed.
         Fexit(0) is automatically called at exit(3).

         open(2), print(3), stdio(3)

    FIO(3)                                                     FIO(3)

         Fio routines that return integers yield -1 if fd is not the
         descriptor of an open file or if the operation is inapplica-
         ble to fd.

         Frdline deletes characters from lines longer than 4095 char-
         acters, ignores characters after the last newline in a file,
         and will read past and end-of-file indication on a stream.
         The data returned by Frdline may be overwritten by calls to
         any other fio routine.
         Fgetc is much slower than access through a pointer returned
         by Frdline.
         There is no scanf(3) analogue.