man(1) Manual page archive

     CBT(3X)                                                   CBT(3X)

          bopen, bclose, bseek, bfirst, bkey, breclen, bread, bdelete,
          bwrite - compressed B-tree subroutines

          #include <cbt.h>

          bfile *bopen(name, typ) char *name;

          void bclose(b) bfile *b;

          bseek(b, key) bfile *b; mbuf key;

          bfirst(b) bfile *b;

          mbuf bkey(b) bfile *b;

          breclen(b) bfile *b;

          bread(b, key, val) bfile *b; mbuf *key, *val;

          bdelete(b, key) bfile *b; mbuf key;

          bwrite(b, key, val) bfile *b; mbuf key, val;

          These functions manipulate files of key/value records.  Such
          files are created by cbt creat; see cbt(1). To load the
          functions use the ld(1) option -lcbt.

          The records occur sorted (increasing lexicographical order)
          by their keys, which must be distinct.  Both keys and values
          are arrays of characters accessed through the structure
          typedef struct {
                  char *mdata;   address of data bytes
                  short mlen;    number of data bytes
          } mbuf;

          Bopen attempts to open a named B-tree, and if successful
          establishes a read pointer pointing to the beginning of the
          file and returns a pointer to be used in calling the other
          routines.  Typ is 0 for read-only or 2 for read-write.
          Bopen returns a descriptor that identifies the file to the
          other functions.

          Bclose closes a B-tree.

          Bseek positions the read pointer of the file to the record
          whose key is the first not less than key. The routine
          returns 1 if key is in the file, EOF if key is greater than

     CBT(3X)                                                   CBT(3X)

          any key in the file, and 0 otherwise.

          Bfirst sets the read pointer to the beginning of the file.
          It has the same error return as bseek.

          Bkey returns the current key.  The element mdata of the
          returned structure is 0 on errors, otherwise it points to a
          static buffer.

          Breclen returns the length of the value part of the current

          Bread reads the value at the read pointer into the space
          pointed to by val->mdata, places its length in `val->mlen',
          and advances the read pointer to the record with the next
          greater key.  If key is not 0 the key of the record is read
          into the space pointed to by key->mdata and its length is
          placed in key->mlen.  Bread returns 0 if successful.

          Bdelete removes the record with the given key, returning 1
          if the record was found, -1 if there was an error, and 0
          otherwise, The read pointer is left undefined.

          Bwrite writes the given value with the given key.  An exist-
          ing record with that key will be replaced.  The read pointer
          is left undefined.

          cbt(1), dbm(3)

          Routines which return pointers return 0 on errors, routines
          which return integers return -1.

          The length of any key is limited to 255.
          The mbuf arguments are passed inconsistently to the rou-
          tines, sometimes by value and sometimes by reference.
          Cbt files are not directly portable between big-endian and
          little-endian machines.