man(1) Manual page archive

     OPEN(2)                                                   OPEN(2)

          open, creat, close - open a file for reading or writing,
          create file

          int open(file, rwmode)
          char *file;

          int creat(file, mode)
          char *file;

          int close(fildes)

          Open opens the file, for reading if rwmode is 0, for writing
          if rwmode is 1, or for both if rwmode is 2, and returns an
          associated file descriptor.  File is a null-terminated
          string representing a path name.  The file pointer is set to

          Creat creates a new file or prepares to rewrite an existing
          file, opens it for writing, and returns an associated file
          descriptor.  If the file is new, the owner is set to the
          effective userid of the creating process; the group to that
          of the containing directory; the mode to mode as modified by
          the mode mask of the creating process; see umask(2). Mode
          need not allow writing.  If the file already exists, it is
          truncated to 0 length; the mode, owner, and group remain
          unchanged, and must permit writing.

          A program may reserve a filename for exclusive use by call-
          ing creat with a mode that forbids writing.  If the file
          does not exist, creat will succeed; further attempts to
          creat the same file will be denied.  More sophisticated (but
          less portable) concurrent access control may be obtained by
          setting the S_ICCTYP field in the mode; see stat(2).

          Close closes the file associated with a file descriptor.
          Files are closed upon termination of a process, but since
          there is a limit on the number of open files per process,
          close is necessary for programs which deal with many files.
          It is possible to arrange for files to be closed by exec(2);
          see FIOCLEX in ioctl(2).

          dup(2), pipe(2), read(2), exec(2), ioctl(2), stat(2),

          open, creat: EACCES, EBUSY, ECONC, EFAULT, EINTR, EIO,

     OPEN(2)                                                   OPEN(2)

          creat: ENOSPC
          close: EBADF

          It should be possible to call open without waiting for car-
          rier on communication lines.
          The group of a newly-created file should (once again) be the
          effective groupid of the creating process.
          The trick of creating a file with an unwritable mode fails
          for the super-user.