man(1) Manual page archive

     RM(1)                                                       RM(1)

          rm - remove (unlink) files

          rm [ -fri ] file ...

          Rm removes directory entries.  If an entry was the last link
          to a file, the file is destroyed.  If an entry is a direc-
          tory it is removed only if empty.  Removal of a file
          requires write permission in its directory, but neither read
          nor write permission on the file itself.

          If a file lacks write permission and the the standard input
          is a terminal, a query is written to the standard output and
          a line is read from the standard input.  If that line begins
          with `y' the file is deleted, otherwise the file remains.
          The options are

          -f   (force) Ask no questions about unwritable files and
               report no errors.

          -r   Recursively delete the entire contents of a directory
               and the directory itself.

          -i   (interactive) Ask whether to delete each file, and,
               under -r, whether to examine each directory.  If the
               first character of the response is `y', the answer is
               yes; otherwise the answer is no.


          It is forbidden to remove the file `..'  merely to avoid the
          antisocial consequences of inadvertently doing something
          like `rm -r .*'.