man(1) Manual page archive

     LIBRARY(1)                                             LIBRARY(1)

          library - send information requests to appropriate

          library [-1234567] [request string]

          library sends document/information requests to the appropri-
          ate organization within the Library Network.  It also han-
          dles a variety of requests for other AT&T organizations
          (e.g., Engineering Information Services).  It requires the
          user to discriminate between seven classes of requests as
          indicated by the menu it displays:

          1)  Order by number - this includes nearly everything announced
               by the AT&T Library Network (e.g. TMs, bulletin items) or handled
               by the Engineering Information Services (e.g. J docs, CPSs).
          2)  Order item not announced by the AT&T Library Network. Available:
                Buy a copy of a book; Address labels; Technical Reports;
                Internal document by date (id unknown); Photocopies;
                Subscribe to a journal; foreign language services.
          3)  Subscribe or unsubscribe to a bulletin (e.g. Mercury, CTP)
          4)  Submit a database search. Examples of available databases:
               book catalog, internal documents, AT&T personnel, released papers
          5)  Request human assistance / interaction. Type(s) available:
                General AT&T Library Network assistance; Reference question.
          6)  Request AT&T Library Network information/services. Examples:
               LINUS info, products/services descriptions, loan/reserve status
          7)  Read AT&T Library Network email transmissions

          Note that the first class includes anything announced by the
          Library Network operated by AT&T Bell Laboratories.

          The main menu level of library can be skipped by giving the
          number of the desired option (1 - 7) as the first parameter
          to the library.

          The secondary menu levels in library (presently in options
          2, 4, 5 and 6) can be bypassed by selecting the desired
          option as the second parameter.  For example, to do order a
          photocopy, use the command
                                 library -2 -p

          Similarly, if you want to do a search of the personnel data-
          base, you can do the command line
                          library -4 -p waldstein, r k

          Requests for objects that can be meaningfully described with
          one line can be entered on the command line.  This includes

     LIBRARY(1)                                             LIBRARY(1)

          the things orderable by options 1, 3, 4, and 6.  Note that
          library tries in this case to function with a minimum of
          interaction.  For example, if you request a TM this way, you
          will not be given a chance to enter remarks connected with
          the request.

          When permitted, the command line requests can include more
          than one item (presently only options 1 and 3 support this).
          An example command line is
                library -1 123456-851234-56tm  5d123 ad-123456

          In options 2, 5, and 6, library will prompt for a variety of
          information of varying complexity.  A period (.) at any
          point in this session will delete the request being entered.
          Blank lines (just hit return) will cause optional informa-
          tion to be left out of the request.  A line consisting of
          tilde e (~e) will, when a long response is permitted, put
          you into an editor.  This editor defaults to ed(1).  How-
          ever, if the environment variable EDITOR is set, the speci-
          fied editor is used.  A line consisting of tilde r (~r)
          will, when a long response is permitted, read in the indi-
          cated file.

          Option 7 is a misfit, in that it is primarily a reader, not
          a request transmitter; although it does allow requesting
          items.  This option is intended for reading electronic
          transmissions from the library network: primarily responses
          to option 4 search requests and ASAP (specialized searches
          like electronic Mercury).  A convenient way to use option 7
          is to invoke it via a pipe from mail(1), mailx(1) or
                                | 3 "library -7"
          This assumes that mail message 3 consists of a search
          result.  The quote marks are required due to post(1) and
          mailx(1) syntax.

          Break causes library to exit without sending any requests.

          In general for more information about what the library com-
          mand can do, go into each option and enter a question mark.
          This will cause a description of how the option works and
          what it can request.

          Several other pieces of information can be passed to library
          to ease and improve its usage.  This information is looked
          up in a file called .lib (or the file indicated by the LIB-
          FILE shell variable).  It expects this file to contain lines
          of the form:

               ID: individual's PAN or Social Security Number
               libname: individual's last name
               liblog: name of log file

     LIBRARY(1)                                             LIBRARY(1)

               libcntl: control information
               reader: reader control information
               liblocal: control information

          If this file is not found or lines of this form are not
          found, then library prompts for name and ID (PAN or SS#).

          This information can also be passed to library as the shell
          parameters: LIBID, LIBNAME, LIBLOG, LIBCNTL, and LIBLOCAL.

          library keeps a log of requests sent via library if a line
          in the .lib file exists giving a log file name, i.e., if you
          have in your .lib file a line of the form
                            liblog: name of log file

          library keeps a log of requests in that file.  This file is
          created in a form that can be read and manipulated by the
          mail command.  To read or modify the log file, type
                            mail -f name of log file

          library creates the log file in your HOME directory unless
          the file name given starts with a slash (/).  library will
          automatically check option 1 requests for duplicates in the
          log file.

          The libcntl information is sent with the request to the pro-
          gram that receives the requests for the library networks.
          Control information containing the letter ``a'' will cause
          an acknowledgement to be mailed back to you that your
          request has been received.  Control information of the form
          ``mnumber''will determine the maximum number of items
          retrieved by a search request.  For example, a control line
          of the form

                                 libcntl: am100

          will cause requests to be acknowledged and a maximum of 100
          retrieved search items to be mailed back to you.

          The reader control information is intended to let you per-
          sonalize the way library option 7 works for you.  Each let-
          ter after the colon indicates a different option turned on
          or off.  Presently available are the following:

               b    causes library -7 to leave a blank line between
                    records when more than one is displayed on the

               c    causes library to confirm that you want the
                    entered requests transmitted.  It does this at the
                    end of the session, before finishing.

     LIBRARY(1)                                             LIBRARY(1)

               n    is an interesting features causing no introductory
                    menu of available announcements to be displayed.
                    The reader then goes straight into the first
                    announcement to be read, and moves directly from
                    one announcement to the next, without displaying
                    the menu of those available at each stage.

          The liblocal information is used to control the execution of
          library. Presently the only meaningful control is x.  This
          causes library(1) to assume you are an expert and the
          prompts are generally much shorter.

          library also uses your .lib file to save various repetitious
          responses for its own use.  These will prevent you from hav-
          ing to duplicate responses.

          library checks upon input whether the request is reasonable.
          New styles of request numbers require program modification
          before they are valid.

          $HOME/.lib     This optional file contains a PAN and name
                         for library to use.
                         The help message displayed by library.

          mail(1), post(1), mailx(1)