man(1) Manual page archive

     CHDATE(1)                                               CHDATE(1)

          touch, chdate - set modification or access date of a file

          touch [ -c ] file ...

          chdate [ -am ] date file ...

          Touch attempts to set the modification time of the files to
          the current time.  If a file does not exist, it will be cre-
          ated unless option -c is present.

          Chdate sets the access and modification times of files. The
          date comprises two or more arguments: a month (3 letters or
          more), a day number, an optional time in hour:min[:sec]
          form, and an optional year.  A missing year means a time in
          the last 12 months.  The options are

          -a   Change the access time only.

          -m   Change the modification time only.

          Chdate knows how to carry between fields of a date.  Only a
          file's owner or the super-user can change its date.

          chdate jul 4 12:00 1976 independence
          chdate jul -3 1976 independence      # backdate one week

          ls(1), utime in chmod(2), stat(2), timec(3), chmod(1),

          Chdate returns the number of files on which the date could
          not be changed.

          Touch will not touch directories.

          The first file name for chdate cannot begin with a digit.