man(1) Manual page archive

     tp  -  manipulate DECtape and magtape

     tp [ key ] [ name ... ]

     Tp saves and restores files on DECtape or magtape.  Its
     actions are controlled by the key argument.  The key is a
     string of characters containing at most one function letter
     and possibly one or more function modifiers.  Other argu-
     ments to the command are file or directory names specifying
     which files are to be dumped, restored, or listed.  In all
     cases, appearance of a directory name refers to the files
     and (recursively) subdirectories of that directory.

     The function portion of the key is specified by one of the
     following letters:

         r   The named files are written on the tape.  If files
             with the same names already exist, they are
             replaced.  `Same' is determined by string compari-
             son, so `./abc' can never be the same as
             `/usr/dmr/abc' even if `/usr/dmr' is the current
             directory.  If no file argument is given, `.' is the

         u   updates the tape.  u is like r, but a file is
             replaced only if its modification date is later than
             the date stored on the tape; that is to say, if it
             has changed since it was dumped.  u is the default
             command if none is given.

         d   deletes the named files from the tape.  At least one
             name argument must be given.  This function is not
             permitted on magtapes.

         x   extracts the named files from the tape to the file
             system.  The owner and mode are restored.  If no
             file argument is given, the entire contents of the
             tape are extracted.

         t   lists the names of the specified files.  If no file
             argument is given, the entire contents of the tape
             is listed.

     The following characters may be used in addition to the let-
     ter which selects the function desired.

         m     Specifies magtape as opposed to DECtape.

         0,...,7This modifier selects the drive on which the tape
               is mounted.  For DECtape, `x' is default; for


               magtape `0' is the default.

         v     Normally tp does its work silently.  The v (ver-
               bose) option causes it to type the name of each
               file it treats preceded by the function letter.
               With the t function, v gives more information
               about the tape entries than just the name.

         c     means a fresh dump is being created; the tape
               directory is zeroed before beginning.  Usable only
               with r and u.  This option is assumed with magtape
               since it is impossible to selectively overwrite

         f     causes new entries on tape to be `fake' in that no
               data is present for these entries.  Such fake
               entries cannot be extracted.  Usable only with r
               and u.

         i     Errors reading and writing the tape are noted, but
               no action is taken.  Normally, errors cause a
               return to the command level.

         w     causes tp to pause before treating each file, type
               the indicative letter and the file name (as with
               v) and await the user's response.  Response y
               means `yes', so the file is treated.  Null
               response means `no', and the file does not take
               part in whatever is being done.  Response x means
               `exit'; the tp command terminates immediately.  In
               the x function, files previously asked about have
               been extracted already.  With r, u, and d no
               change has been made to the tape.


     Several; the non-obvious one is `Phase error', which means
     the file changed after it was selected for dumping but
     before it was dumped.

     A single file with several links to it is treated like sev-
     eral files.
