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     SNMPFS(4)                                               SNMPFS(4)

          drawvars - Tool to draw positive functions into image files

          drawvars [ -T ] [ -t title ] [ -s x start ] [ -e x end ] [
          -m y max ] [ -v var1,var2,var3 ]

          Drawvars is a little cousin of gview(1). It has been created
          to be able to write representation of positive functions to
          files. It writes to stdout an image(6) data to be piped to
          external programs such as page(1) or topng(1).

          -T    interprets x axis as a time value to use with time
               series values

          -t   specify a title to the image

          -s   specify the minimun x value

          -e   specify the maximun x value

          -m   specify the maximun y value (y minimun is always 0)

          -v   specify the captions to identify each function values

          To see the format drawvars can read values, take a look at
          the samples.

          This command writes the rand() and rand()^2 distribution:

               awk 'BEGIN{
                    for(x=0;x<100;x++)  {
                         print x " " 100*rand() " " 100*(rand()*rand())
               }' | 8.out -t 'awk rand() distribution' -s 0 -e 100 -m 120 -v x,'rand()','rand()^2' | topng > sample.png
          saving the result as a png image in sample.png

          This sample draws the positive values of the sin of (x)
          scaled to fit the window (like the sample of gview(1)):

               awk 'BEGIN{
                         print x,sin(x)*100/x
               }' | 8.out -t sin -s 0 -e 500 -m 100 -v x,sin | page
          and uses page to display it on the screen

     SNMPFS(4)                                               SNMPFS(4)





          A complete implementation of gview features should be done,
          at least, autoscale and support for negative functions.