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     PANELS(2)                                               PANELS(2)

          panels - octopus user interface panel library

          include "panel.m";
          panels := load Panels Panels->PATH;

          Panel: adt {
               id:       int;
               name:     string;
               path:     string;

               init:     fn(name: string): ref Panel;
               evc:      fn(p: self ref Panel): chan of ref Pev;
               new:      fn(p: self ref Panel, name: string, id: int): ref Panel;
               newnamed:      fn(p: self ref Panel, name: string, id: int): ref Panel;
               ctl:      fn(p: self ref Panel, ctl: string): int;
               attrs:    fn(p: self ref Panel): ref Attrs;
               close:    fn(p: self ref Panel);

          Elook:    con "look";
          Eexec:    con "exec";
          Eclose:   con "close";
          Eclean:   con "clean";
          Edirty:   con "dirty";
          Eintr:    con "interrupt";
          Eclick:   con "click";
          Ekeys:    con "keys";
          Efocus:   con "focus";

          Pev: adt {
               id:  int;
               path:     string;
               ev:  string;
               arg: string;

          Attrs: adt {
               tag:      int;
               show:     int;
               col:      int;
               applid:   int;
               applpid:  int;
               clean:    int;
               font:     int;
               sel:      (int, int);
               mark:     int;
               scroll:   int;
               tab: int;

     PANELS(2)                                               PANELS(2)

               attrs:    list of list of string;  # list of other attrs

          init:          fn();
          screens:       fn(): list of string;
          cols:          fn(scr: string): list of string;
          rows:          fn(scr: string): list of string;
          sel:      fn(): string;
          omero:         string;

          Panels is a convenience module to impement user interfaces
          for the o/mero window system. Refer to olive(1) for an
          introduction and to omero(4) for a description of the file
          system interface.

          Init must be called before calling any other utility in the
          library, to initialize it by loading required modules. This
          also initializes omero with the path to the omero file tree,
          as reported by the $omero environment variable.

          A Panel represents an o/mero panel. It corresponds to a
          directory in the o/mero file tree. The name of the panel,
          and its absolute path in the current name space are kept in
 and Panel.path respectively.  Applications may
          give identifiers (numbers) to omero panels. The identifier
          for a panel is kept in its

          Before creating any panel, the application must create a
          directory in the /appl directory of omero. That is, an ini-
          tial container panel. This panel is created by Panel.init
          (which should be called right after initializing the library
          to create an application container with the name given in
          name). The function returns a reference to the panel. Also,
          it sets the application process id to that of the caller
          process and the panel id to zero. Both things are done via
          appropriate control operations on the panel. When the last
          reference to this Panel is lost, the entire application
          panel hierarchy is removed by omero.

          A new panel may be created by calling on a con-
          tainer panel, supplying the desired panel name and id. The
          name is randomized by the library, to make it unique and
          avoid conflicts in the file system.  Panel.newnamed is like
 but does not randomize the name.  To remove a
          panel, call Panel.close on it.

          To create a Panel for an panel that already exists it is
          allowed to call Panel.init or with nm being an
          absolute path. In this case a Panel structure is built for
          panel (and returned).

     PANELS(2)                                               PANELS(2)

          Control and data files for the panel may be open and used by
          the application, by appending the strings /ctl or /data to
          the value of Panel.path and opening the resulting file name.

          Panel.ctl writes a control operation to the panel control
          file.  Panel.attrs reads and parses a control file, report-
          ing the attributes for the panel by returing a reference to

          Many attributes are converted to their integer value as an
          extra convenience.  The field name should make it clear the
          attribute reported.  Other attributes are reported (parsed)
          in a list of attributes using Attrs.attrs (containing a list
          of strings for each attribute).

          Panel.evc returns a channel that can be used to receive
          events for a panel (and all its inner panels). Usually, it
          is called once for the top-level panel. The panel identifier
          contained in the omero event (or the panel path, also con-
          tained) can be used to demultiplex the event stream. Each
          receive from the channel returns a tuple of strings with the
          event arguments (already parsed): panel id, panel path,
          event type, and the optional argument string.

          What has been said is not enough to make panels appear on a
          screen. Replicas must be created on the desired location. To
          aid in locating an appropriate place, screens returns a list
          of omero screen names, cols returns a list of column paths
          for the given screen name (in the order they are shown), and
          rows returns a list of row paths for the given screen name.
          Usually, rows keep small informative utilities and most
          application panels are replicated onto columns.

          The utility function copy from io(2) can be used to update
          text or image panels with other file contents, or viceversa.

          The function sel returns the last text selected by the user.
          It reads both the control and data files for the user selec-
          tion, so its result should be cached if needed multiple

          Userscreen returns the name of the last screen used, as
          reported by /dev/sel.

          Initialize, and create a text panel containing /NOTICE :
               ui := Panel.init("xample");
               text :="text:xample", 1);
               sfd := open("/NOTICE", OREAD);
               dfd := open(text.path+"/data", OWRITE|OTRUNC);
               io->copy(dfd, sfd);

     PANELS(2)                                               PANELS(2)

          Show the panel on the first column of the first screen:
               scr := hd panels->screens();
               col := hd panels->cols(scr);
               text.ctl(sprint("copyto %s0, col);

          Start receiving and printing events:
               c := ui.eventc();
                    ev := <-evc;
                    if (ev == nil)
                    print("path %s id %s ev %s0, ev.path,, ev.ev);

          The source of oh(1) and oclock(1) can be used as more elabo-
          rate examples.


          olive(1) and omero(4).

          The interface is not exactly the same used by the Limbo mod-
          ule of the same name, because we do not have Limbo strings
          and ADTs.